• 076-545033
  • gautambuddhamavi@gmail.com


    On the general side, classes 1 to 12 are conducted in this school. Management, humanities and education groups are being taught in classes 11 and 12. This school is established as \educational herb for quality education in this district.


    English and Nepali medium have been selected as the linguistic medium of teaching.

    Nepali medium
    When the school was established in 2034B.S, it has been teaching in Nepali medium from primary level. Now, English language has become popular everywhere so English medium classes have been used in classes 1 to 5 and classes of 6 to 12 have been currently conducted in Nepali medium in this school. In comparision, the number of students in Nepali medium is more than in English medium but the number of students studying in Nepali medium is decreasing day by day.

    English medium
    Depending on the demands of time and the desire of the parents, the English medium of instruction has been introduced in the school since 2068. Currently, classes 1 to 10 are conducted in English medium and it is planned to move it forward gradually. While analyzing, the numbers of students in English medium is also increasing and learning achievement is also increasing.


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